I greatly enjoying presenting to audiences large and small, conducting workshops or writing articles about cybersecurity.
The conferences where I spoke include ISF Worldwide Congress (
2011, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018), Black Hat USA (2016) NCSC One Conference (keynote 2018), RSA Europe, SANS EU Forensic Summit (2010), Still Hacking Anyway – SHA (2017), O’Reilly Security Conference Europe (2016), BruCON (2016), (ISC)2 Worldwide Congress (2016), London E-Crime Congress (2010, 2011), Microsoft Envision NL (2024) and Microsoft Ignite NL (2023).
Some examples of recordings, written interviews or articles can be found below.
🎤 Speaking engagements, presentations & webcasts
- NCSC One Conference 2018 – Hack your mind
- SHA 2017 – We don’t need no security!
- Black Hat USA 2016 – Security Through Design – Making Security Better By Designing for People
- BruCON 0x08 – Security Through Design
- Jaarevenement 2021 Cybersecurity Alliantie (in Dutch)
- DevOn summit 2017 – Security is dead
- Het is tijd voor een Deltaplan Cyber Security (in Dutch, with Inge Bryan)
- Iedereen is ICT-er: state of cybercrime (in Dutch)
- Webinar nation state threats (in Dutch)
🎙️ Podcasts & interviews
- Zoldersession podcast (in Dutch)
- Quality Code, Safer World: Rethinking Security in Software Development – Beyond Coding Podcast
- Verdieping in de 8 Cyber Security basismaatregelen van het NCSC (in Dutch)
- Stop Blaming Users. Make Security User-Friendly.
- Cyber Security District podcast: it’s the people, stupid!
- Cyber Chain Resilience podcast (in Dutch)
- NCSC Enter – Oekraïne: schouder-aan-schouder (in Dutch)
👥 Panel Sessions
- Insight organiseert The Best Kept Secret (short event summary in Dutch)
- The Best Kept Secret – Insight (full event)
- Cybersecurity TV Nederland Episode 4 – Microsoft
- Het Nationale Cybersecurity Debat (in Dutch)
- Digital Safe Cities: securing the infrastructure of tomorrow
- Virtuele rondetafel over DORA: Leer van early adopters en de toezichthouder (Eraneos) (in Dutch)
- Voor cybersecurity is de cloud veiliger dan systemen in eigen beheer (CTAC) (in Dutch, English subtitles)
- Hybrid working in progress (in Dutch)
- Open Dialoog Pakhuis de Zwijger: Kunstmatige Democratie (in Dutch)
- Bescherm je bedrijfsvoering en creëer Security Awareness (Axians) (in Dutch)
- Voorkom je cyberaanvallen vooral door technische of menselijke factoren? (CTAC) (in Dutch, English subtitles)
- Wel of geen losgeld betalen wanneer je bent gehackt? (CTAC) (in Dutch, English subtitles)
- Port Cyber Cafe FERM – Cloud security (in Dutch)
📝 Articles & publications
- The human is not the weakest link – the human is the solution!
- Can a hacker be a builder instead of a breaker?
- Security through design – reading list
- Beveiligingswaarschuwingen als digitale buienradar (in Dutch)
- Why security is not about Prevention, but about building Capacity
📺 Media appearances & press
- De mens is een essentiële schakel in cybersecurity – dutchcowboys.nl (in Dutch)
- Column | Wat zijn de trucs van Russische hackers? – NRC (in Dutch) [mirror]
- Maybe Security Isn’t Just a ‘Human Stupidity’ Problem – sdxcentral.com
- Wachtwoorden: we moeten ervanaf. Maar hoe? – NOS (in Dutch)
- Spookie just stole your password – Times of India
- The rebellious origins of cybersecurity’s wittiest, must-read report
- Datensicherheit für Banken – Risiken erkennen und minimieren (in German)
- Strijd banken tegen phishing werpt vruchten af – RTL Nieuws (in Dutch)
- Petra Oldengarm reikt roze slot uit aan Deloitte tijdens #Hacktalk11 (in Dutch)
- Cybersecurity niet op orde?- New Business Radio (in Dutch)
- Gewoon beginnen’ is het advies voor veilig werken in de cloud (in Dutch)